Attention: This tutorial is specially posted for Beginner.
Feeling bored of your own blog layout? Envy of looking to other people's blog which looks more colourful, beautiful and attractive?
Now, you can have your blog to change the look as you desired, without knowing any about HTML code.
Just follow these simple quick guide to transform your blog design.
1. Browse on Internet to find your favourite layout design.
For instance, just type 'free blog template for blogspot' in, and you'll see there are a lot of websites offering this product.
Recommended webpages:
(But it's not necessarily shows 'Download', so you need to look for the correct link.)
After that, just save the file on your computer.
3. Login to --> Dashboard --> Design --> Edit HTML --> Browse the XML file --> Upload
Please ensure it is XML file, not ZIP or others.
And you're advised to save your current Template code to other file such as Notepad, before Uploading the XML file.
4. Choose 'Keep Widgets' --> Save.
(You may delete the widget later if you don't want it)
5. Open your blog and you'll see the changes right away!
To re-arrange the Widgets, you can do so by going to Design --> Page Element.
To re-edit the fonts, click at Template Designer --> Advanced
That's all. Happy Designing. Cheers~
thanks 4 info..